
LiYajie: 2021-06-24 regex正则表达式

推荐正则测试网站: https://regexr.com/ (opens new window)

# 1. 基本匹配

'name' => my name is Paul.

'Paul' => my name is Paul.

# 2. 元字符匹配

字符 描述
. 匹配任意单个字符,换行符除外
[] 匹配方括号之间任意字符
[^] 否定字符类。匹配方括号之间不包含的任何字符
* 匹配前面的 0 次或多次重复
+ 匹配前面的 1 次或多次重复
? 前面字符可选
{n,m} 最少n个,不超过m个
(xyz) 对xyz分组
\ 转义
^ 以什么开头
$ 以什么结尾

# 2.1 .

'.l' => I'm Paul, can you help me.

# 2.2 [] [^]

'[Tt]he' => The car parked in the garage.

'[T]he' => The car parked in the garage.

'ar[k]' => The car parked in the garage.

'ar[ka]' => The car parked in the garage.

匹配ar开头, 并且ar后面的字符不是k的所有

'ar[^k]' => The car parked in the garage.

# 2.3 * +


'[a-z]*' => The car parked in the garage 21 name.


'\scat\s' The fat cat sat on the concatenation.

匹配出`c`开头, c后面至少一个字符, 出现t至少一次或多次

The fat cat sat on the concatenation.

'c.+t' => The fat cat sat on the concatenation.

'c.+s' => The fat cat sat on the concatenation.

匹配he前面出现 T 0次或者1次

'[T]?he' => The car is parked in the garage.

# 2.4 {} 大括号的用法, 指一个字符或一组字符可以重复的次数

匹配数字, 长度最少为2,最大为3

'[0-9]{2,3}' => The number was 9.9997 but we rounded it off to 10.0.

// 只匹配长度为3的数字 '[0-9]{3}' => The number was 9.9997 but we rounded it off to 10.0.

// 匹配长度至少为2位的数字 '[0-9]{2,}' => The number was 9.99971 but we rounded it off to 10.0.

# 2.5 | 捕获分组


// 分组 '(c|p|g)ar' => The car is parked in the garage.

// 不分组 '(?:c|p|g)ar' => The car is parked in the garage.

var str= 'The car is parked in the garage.'
var reg=/(c|p|g)ar/g;
var res = str.match(reg);
while(res = reg.exec(str))
  console.log(res[1]); // 返回分组信息 c,p,g

[ 'car',
  index: 4,
  input: 'The car is parked in the garage.',
  groups: undefined ]
[ 'par',
  index: 11,
  input: 'The car is parked in the garage.',
  groups: undefined ]
[ 'gar',
  index: 25,
  input: 'The car is parked in the garage.',
  groups: undefined ]

# 2.6 交替

匹配出the或者 c g开头ar结尾的字符

原始字符串 : The car is parked in the garage.

'(c|g)ar|the' => The car is parked in the garage.

# 2.7 转义字符

匹配出fat cat sat mat.

原始字符串: The fat cat sat on the mat.

(f|s|a).? => The fat cat sat on the mat.

# 2.8 锚点Anchors ^ $


原始字符串: The fat cat sat on the mat.

匹配The/the '(T|t)he' => The fat cat sat on the mat.

匹配开头是T或者t的, 结尾是he的字符,^ 表示整个字符的开始字符 '^(T|t)he' => The fat cat sat on the mat.

# 2.8.1 $ 是否是匹配字符串的最后一个字符


原始字符串: The fat cat. sat. on the mat.

匹配所有的at. '(at.)' => The fat cat. sat. on the mat.

匹配以at.结尾的 '(at.)$' => The fat cat. sat. on the mat.

# 3. 简写

. => 除了换行意外的任意字符

\w => [a-zA-Z0-9_]

\W => [^\w] 匹配非字母字符

\d => [0-9]

\D => [^\d] 匹配非数字

\s => [\t\n\f\r\p{Z}] 匹配空白字符

\S => [^\s] 匹配非空白字符

# 4. ?= ?! ?<= ?<!


原始字符串: The fat cat sat on the mat The mat.

?=匹配后面是matThe/the '([T|t]he)(?=\smat)' => The fat cat sat on the mat The mat.

?!匹配后面不是fatThe/the '[T|t]he(?!\sfat)' => The fat cat sat on the mat The cat.

?<= 匹配某个东西的后面 '(?<=[T|t]he\s)(fat|mat)' => The fat cat sat on the mat.

?<! 不需要匹配某样东西的后面, 匹配不是the后面的cat '(?<![T|t]he)(cat)' => The cat sat on cat.

# 5. i/g/m

i => 不区分大小写

g => 全局搜索

m => 多行


'/The/g' => The fat cat sat on the mat.


'/The/gi' => The fat cat sat on the mat.


'/.(at)/' => The fat cat sat on the mat.

'/.(at)/g' => The fat cat sat on the mat.

// 匹配多行
'/.at$/g' => The fat cat sat
on the `mat`

'/.at$/gm' => The fat cat `sat`
on the `mat`

# 6. 贪婪匹配/懒惰匹配


贪婪匹配: '(.*at)' => The fat cat sat on the mat.

懒惰匹配: '(.*?at)' => The fat cat sat on the mat.

LiYajie 发布于: 2021-06-24